Set in 1978, in the "disco era," the series depicts the meeting between humble and hardworking Sandra (ísis Valverde) and rich and spoiled Vitória (Bianca Bin). Both of them meet because of a tragic accident and start fighting for the love of the same man. What they don't know is that their paths have crossed before, when they were switched at birth.
设定在1978年的迪斯科年代,描绘了谦逊努力的Sandra和有钱、娇生惯养的Vitória之间相遇的故事。两人因为一个不幸的意外相遇,并且开始为了争夺同一个男人的爱而成为敌人,但她们不知道的是这并不是她们的初次相遇,因为她们出生时被调换了。 Translated by @马吉尔求唱歌
设定在1978年的迪斯科年代,描绘了谦逊努力的Sandra和有钱、娇生惯养的Vitória之间相遇的故事。两人因为一个不幸的意外相遇,并且开始为了争夺同一个男人的爱而成为敌人,但她们不知道的是这并不是她们的初次相遇,因为她们出生时被调换了。 Translated by @马吉尔求唱歌