3blue1brown, or 3b1b for those who prefer less of a tongue-twister, centers around presenting math with a visuals-first approach. Rather than first deciding on a lesson then putting illustrations to it for the sake of having a video, almost all projects start with a particular visualization, with the narrative and storyline then revolving around this image.
Topics themselves tend to fall into one of two categories:
Lessons on topics people might be seeking out, like linear algebra, neural networks, calculus, Fourier transforms, the math of bitcoin, quantum mechanics, etc.
Problems in math which many people may not have heard of, and which seem really hard at first, but where some shift in perspective makes it both doable and beautiful. I try to keep track of these here.
Loosely speaking, I think of the first category as motivating math by its usefulness, and the second as motivating math as an art form. But of course, the line dividing these two is easily blurred.
Topics themselves tend to fall into one of two categories:
Lessons on topics people might be seeking out, like linear algebra, neural networks, calculus, Fourier transforms, the math of bitcoin, quantum mechanics, etc.
Problems in math which many people may not have heard of, and which seem really hard at first, but where some shift in perspective makes it both doable and beautiful. I try to keep track of these here.
Loosely speaking, I think of the first category as motivating math by its usefulness, and the second as motivating math as an art form. But of course, the line dividing these two is easily blurred.