The Rob Brydon Show is a British chat show hosted by comedian Rob Brydon. The first series started on 17 September 2010 and consists of six regular episodes, a compilation episode and a Christmas special. The second series had six regular episodes, a Christmas special and a compilation episode. The third and final series had six regular episodes.
Each week, Brydon asks his Twitter followers to provide questions for his guests, which he asks after the comedian segment. Brydon interviews two guests, who sit on his sofa while they chat; the musical guest performs at the end of the show (as well as possibly singing with Brydon during their segment). A comedian performs a short stint, with a short interview afterwards by Brydon.
The compilation episodes consist of previously unseen material. The first series compilation was set in the future, hosted by Brydon.[1] The second series clips were hosted by Dai Young, a performer/publican from Wales and Brydon's alleged former comedy partner (in reality Brydon himself in costume).
Series 1[edit source | editbeta]
Episode[3]Broadcast dateGuestSinger(s)Comedian(s)Ratings
117 September 2010David WalliamsTom JonesTom Deacon2.57m
224 September 2010James CordenMark RonsonCarly Smallman2.00m
31 October 2010Stephen FrySeasick SteveDaniel Sloss2.12m
48 October 2010Terry WoganSharleen SpiteriHal Cruttenden2.00m
515 October 2010Ronnie CorbettPaloma FaithLucy Porter2.32m
622 October 2010Compilation show "set in the future"Under 1.83m
730 December 2010Alice CooperBryn Terfel and Jeremy LionJo Brand and Jack Dee2.08m
Each week, Brydon asks his Twitter followers to provide questions for his guests, which he asks after the comedian segment. Brydon interviews two guests, who sit on his sofa while they chat; the musical guest performs at the end of the show (as well as possibly singing with Brydon during their segment). A comedian performs a short stint, with a short interview afterwards by Brydon.
The compilation episodes consist of previously unseen material. The first series compilation was set in the future, hosted by Brydon.[1] The second series clips were hosted by Dai Young, a performer/publican from Wales and Brydon's alleged former comedy partner (in reality Brydon himself in costume).
Series 1[edit source | editbeta]
Episode[3]Broadcast dateGuestSinger(s)Comedian(s)Ratings
117 September 2010David WalliamsTom JonesTom Deacon2.57m
224 September 2010James CordenMark RonsonCarly Smallman2.00m
31 October 2010Stephen FrySeasick SteveDaniel Sloss2.12m
48 October 2010Terry WoganSharleen SpiteriHal Cruttenden2.00m
515 October 2010Ronnie CorbettPaloma FaithLucy Porter2.32m
622 October 2010Compilation show "set in the future"Under 1.83m
730 December 2010Alice CooperBryn Terfel and Jeremy LionJo Brand and Jack Dee2.08m