Grafters Season 1

Grafters Season 1




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播放:46 次


导演:保罗·哈里森|格拉汉姆·摩尔|大卫·萨克尔|史蒂芬·惠特克|David Tucker




I've only been a fan of Robson Green's since I started watching "Wire in the Blood", so I'm playing "catch-up". Grafters is the story of two brothers and the trouble they get themselves into, mainly due to the younger brother Joe's(Robson Green)machinations. He wants his new firm, "Purvis and Purvis"(the new construction business he has started with his brother Trevor Purvis(Steven Tomkinson), to a screaming success. Trevor is not simple-minded as the viewer is led to believe, he just has a code of contact, which includes telling the truth and nothing but the truth. There is a wonderful scene as Joe, while eating baby cereal with a baby spoon. swears on the sweet smile of his nephew that he will be more honest in dealing with customers. When Trevor leaves the room, Joe quietly tells the baby that he will take the client for everything he can.
  The greatest thing about this show are the characters. The characters are fleshed out as though someone was sharing with the audience, his own dysfunctional family.
  Joe is a slut; he gives bored housewives some of what they are missing. Sex, basically. Then he connects with the wife of a Police Superintendent Inspector. The man is eceptionally jealous and Joe takes a construction job in London to get away
  Trevor, his brother is a family man has realized that his marriage is in trouble and goes to London, taking his wife and family with him. That leaves 4 people living in an RV, one of which is a 1 year old child.
  We are introduced to Lennie(Maurice Roe?ves)Alan(Berwick Kaler)father and uncle. The story is same and at Alf's wake Alan and Lennie get into a fight. Alan finds out that Lennie has been "comforting" his(Alan's) wife. You can see the repeat of history with Joe and Trevor. Joe taking after his father and Trevor taking after Lennie's wife just like Alan took after their mother's.
  All the characters are wonderfully fleshed out, even down to Joe's estranged daughter and ex-wife.
  I do recommend this series. It has strong drama and hysterical moment of comedy.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片