十四本第一次世界大战日记 14 Tagebücher des Ersten Weltkriegs

十四本第一次世界大战日记 14 Tagebücher des Ersten Weltkriegs




评分:9.4 分

播放:98 次


导演:Jan Peter


主演:Natalia Witmer|Elisa Monse|Jonas Leonhardi|David Oberkogler|Micha?l Fitoussi|Antoine de Prekel|Christina Gro?e|David Acton|杰克·J·梅尼亚尼|希莉亚·班纳曼|Emilie Aubertot|Megan Gay|Naomi Sheldon


  14 - Diaries of the Great War is a 2014 international documentary drama series about World War I. It uses a mix of fictionalized scenes , archive footage, and animation. All episodes were directed by Jan Peter, series authors were Jan Peter and Yury Winterberg. In a dramatic advisory capacity, Dutch producer and screenwriter Maarten van der Duin and BBC-author Andrew Bampfield worked on the film's development. The series is based on an idea by Gunnar Dedio, producer at the film company LOOKS Leipzig and Ulrike Dotzer, the Head of Department ARTE at Norddeutscher Rundfunk.
  The individual episodes of the series tell the story of the First World War, not from the perspective of politicians and the military; but from the perspective of soldiers, housewives, factory workers, nurses and children. In total there are 14 main characters. Meaningful scenes from their lives are re-enacted and intertwined. The result is not only a political or military history of the First World War, but a story that poignantly captures the feelings and moods of the people.
  La Première Guerre Mondiale racontée par les journaux de guerre et la correspondance de 14 témoins et acteurs du conflit, célèbres ou i nconnus, hommes ou femmes, adultes ou enfants, autrichiens, allemands, Italiens, russes, Fran?ais, Britanniques ou Canadiens.
  En abordant cet évènement sous l'angle humain et personnel, il est ainsi permis de donner un éclairage plus intime et aussi plus universel, donc très actuel, sur les drames engendrés par toutes les guerres. Car quel conflit aujourd'hui ne provoque pas les mêmes ravages ?

如果没有耐心看《巨人的陨落》,可以看一下这部《一战日记》。 从十四个普通人的战争日记里描绘这场战争的可怕和无奈。爱情,亲情,理想在人间炼狱中被无情的碾碎。 德国的突击队队长,俄国的哥萨克女兵,法国的中年老兵,意大利的美籍支援兵,英国的作家,所有的人在历史的车轮下都这么渺小,这么可怜……

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  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片