To love
Marti忙着做《利器》,这个剧其实到这个水平是可以了。Abby最后那句"To love"点题,一如芭芭拉史翠珊唱的那首歌"Here's to life".记得大学第一学期和很尊敬的一位老师对话,我说了那种“我觉得爱可以战胜一切”蠢蠢的话,老师意味深长地说,他不认同。时至今日我依然在想这个辩题的答案,哪怕是看这种“无脑剧”时刻。生活永远在发生那些大的小的事,挑战你的勇气、决心、容忍度、底线,不时制造出不安感会撺掇你突然恐慌,继而搞砸一切,甚至造成连锁反应。但如果有一群朋友在身边,在这种时候站出来支持你、鼓励你,或者那个辩题就有了一些回答的方向了。就像这部剧和所有女性故事演绎得那样。
For happily ever after.. is there really such a thing? the ending is a bit abrupt, and too cheesy. Suddenly every one (except poor Jake and Frumpkis) finds a true love, and has a good family.. well somehow I like the messiness and ugliness more, because that perhaps is what I face every day and the thing easier to comprehend