A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.
? Season 23
Episode # Air Date# Guests
23-01 01/Oct/09 James Corden, Tom Clarke, Ben Miller, Paloma Faith, Janeane Garofalo
23-02 08/Oct/09 Rhod Gilbert, Greg Davies, Martin Kemp, Gabby Logan, Jeremy Reynolds
23-03 15/Oct/09 Alex James, Jessica Origliasso, Peter Serafinowicz, Newton Faulkner, Holly Walsh
23-04 22/Oct/09 Jack Whitehall, Mr Hudson, Rochelle Wiseman, Andrea McLean, Stephen Mangan
23-05 28/Oct/09 Frank Skinner, Calvin Harris, Jon Richardson, Fearne Cotton, Tinchy Stryder
23-06 04/Nov/09 Claudia Winkleman, Harry Shearer, Little Boots, Jamelia, Tom Basden
23-07 11/Nov/09 Mark Watson, Daniel Merriweather, Donal Macintyre, Shingai Shoniwa, Tim Minchin
23-08 18/Nov/09 Martin Freeman, Martha Wainwright, Charlie Brooker, Simon Bird, Dappy
23-09 25/Nov/09 David Walliams, Andy Serkis, Gareth Malone, Basshunter, Josie Long
23-10 02/Dec/09 Dermot O'Leary, Michael Ball, David O'Doherty, Russell Tovey, Aston Merrygold
23-11 09/Dec/09 Frankie Boyle, Carol Vorderman, DJ Ironik, Jon McClure, Richard Herring
23-12 16/Dec/09 The Doctor Who Special
23-13 23/Dec/09 Where Are They Now?
? Season 23
Episode # Air Date# Guests
23-01 01/Oct/09 James Corden, Tom Clarke, Ben Miller, Paloma Faith, Janeane Garofalo
23-02 08/Oct/09 Rhod Gilbert, Greg Davies, Martin Kemp, Gabby Logan, Jeremy Reynolds
23-03 15/Oct/09 Alex James, Jessica Origliasso, Peter Serafinowicz, Newton Faulkner, Holly Walsh
23-04 22/Oct/09 Jack Whitehall, Mr Hudson, Rochelle Wiseman, Andrea McLean, Stephen Mangan
23-05 28/Oct/09 Frank Skinner, Calvin Harris, Jon Richardson, Fearne Cotton, Tinchy Stryder
23-06 04/Nov/09 Claudia Winkleman, Harry Shearer, Little Boots, Jamelia, Tom Basden
23-07 11/Nov/09 Mark Watson, Daniel Merriweather, Donal Macintyre, Shingai Shoniwa, Tim Minchin
23-08 18/Nov/09 Martin Freeman, Martha Wainwright, Charlie Brooker, Simon Bird, Dappy
23-09 25/Nov/09 David Walliams, Andy Serkis, Gareth Malone, Basshunter, Josie Long
23-10 02/Dec/09 Dermot O'Leary, Michael Ball, David O'Doherty, Russell Tovey, Aston Merrygold
23-11 09/Dec/09 Frankie Boyle, Carol Vorderman, DJ Ironik, Jon McClure, Richard Herring
23-12 16/Dec/09 The Doctor Who Special
23-13 23/Dec/09 Where Are They Now?