The Light of Freedom

The Light of Freedom




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播放:27 次


导演:Kim Robinson

编剧:Kim Robinson

主演:Jade Metcalf|Maxwell charles Dean|Evan Candler|Tony West|Taryn Jennifer Huffman|Lexi Baumeyer|Olivia Weiss|Ruth Ann Pilcher|Leah Distelhorst|Briana Nicole Biffath|Austin Channell|Maya Lewis|Keri Garrett|Pat Stephens|Kalea Elise Lucas


It is the year 1861 and President Lincoln has called for 75,000 men to join the Union Army. As the Civil War begins, another battle has been raging for decades. It is the fight for freedom waged by the Underground Railroad. Your family will be inspired by the life of William Hanby and his family. You will be moved by the stories of runaway slaves longing to be re-united with their families, and those risking their lives to save them. You will be captivated as you follow the Union Army 14th OVI in their fight against the Confederate Army in Virginia. This inspirational family film by KICKS Flicks will both educate and entertain as it encourages you to stand for the freedom of every person.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片