This black comedy is based on the dastardly deeds of French serial killer Henri-Desire Landru, who wined, dined, scammed, and dismembered over 10 women during WW I. He obtained his victims by placing ads in the Personals section of the paper. He then chose wealthy dowagers in their fifties. First he would woo them to his villa. Then he would con them into forking over their fortunes. Finally he would kill them, chop them up, and immolate the pieces. He is finally captured after he is recognized by the sister of one of the victims. Landru swears that he is not a psychotic killer, that he only did it so he could continue to support his family in the bourgeoisie style that they were accustomed to. During his trial, Landru refused to plead for himself one way or the other; he showed no remorse at all. He was guillotined on February 25, 1922."
Henri Désiré Landru 是一个法国连环杀手。Landru 是个体面的巴黎人,一家之主,1914 年在 Rambouillet 附近租了个别墅,就开始打广告吸引那些想嫁人的女人。Landru 都快五十岁了,谢了项,留着黑胡子,可是在一次大战无法无天的 五年 间,他在 账本上记着自己和 283 位孤独的富婆发生了这样或那样的恋情。他因为谋杀了其中的十位而在 1922 年被送上了断头台。他至死都坚持自己的清白。