无离文昌鱼很远 It’s a Long Way from Amphioxus

无离文昌鱼很远 It’s a Long Way from Amphioxus




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播放:8 次


导演:Kamal Aljafari

编剧:Kamal Aljafari

主演:Faysal Bibi


  Kamal Aljafari的新短片再一次颠覆了时间,质疑了一个系统中生命的意义,在这个系统中,人类被减少到一个数字,一个人未来的价值是通过灰色走廊中的应用来衡量的。走进这个黑洞,在那里骨头和肉已经成为排队系统中的数字。以超现实的幽默,这部电影观察我们的存在的起源与我们被定义的未来。从我们的起点到今天官僚主义迷宫的混乱,我们变成了什么?离文昌鱼很远,我们都是从那里来的。
  An old woman leans to the young man with the yellow book sitting next to her and asks, “What are they distributing here?” “Numbers”, he replies. In Berlin’s waiting rooms, where metal and wooden seats are nailed to the ground, people arrive after emerging from the seas. Here they wait.
  Kamal Aljafari’s new short film once again collapses time, questioning the meaning of life in a system in which humanity is reduced to a number and the value of one’s future is measured by applications within grey hallways. Step into this black hole, where bones and flesh have become numbers in a queuing system. With surreal humor, this film observes the origins of our being versus the future of how we are defined. What have we become from our point of origin until today’s chaos of bureaucratic mazes? It’s a long way from Amphioxus, we all came from there.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片