可怕的完美朋友 Unheimlich perfekte Freunde

可怕的完美朋友 Unheimlich perfekte Freunde




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播放:15 次




主演:Luis Vorbach|Jona Gaensslen|Margarita Broich


Frido is a fun-loving kid and, just like most kids his age, a little lazy in school. One day during a town fair he encounters an enchanted mirror. With the mirror’s magic, he is able to create a ‘doppelg?nger’, or double, of himself – who is just perfect at everything that he is not. With the help of his double, who proves to be very clever at school, Frido starts to give up more and more responsibility, not only in class but also at home. At first it is a lot of fun. He tells his secret to his best friend Emil and soon all of his classmates find out and make copies of themselves, too. Slowly but surely, the kids realise that they miss their old lives. No one goes to school anymore and the freaky doubles start to take over. The kids decide to take action by setting a trap that will return the doubles into the mirror just in time.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片