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播放:49 次
导演:ágúst Guemundsson
编剧:Kristin Marja Baldursdóttir|ágúst Guemundsson
主演:玛格利特·维米蒂特|Ugla Egilsdóttir|海诺·费尔希|赫米尔·希尼·古纳森|克里斯特比约格·凯尔德|Edda Bj?rg Eyjólfsdóttir|Bára Lyngdal Magnúsdóttir|Eyvindur Erlendsson|Guelaug ólafsdóttir|Sigurveig Jónsdóttir|Dilja Mist|哈多拉·吉尔哈罗多蒂|Jónína ólafsdóttir|夏洛特·博芬|本尼迪克·埃灵格松|Arnar Jónsson|Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir|Baldur T. Hreinsson|Guemundur ólafsson|西奥多·尤利乌松|Sigureur Skúlason|贡纳·黑尔加松|Valgeir Guejónsson|Bryndís Pétursdóttir
In 1954, following the death of her American serviceman husband, beautiful Freya (Margaret Vilhjalmsdottir) returns to her native Icelandic fishing village. With several trunks of fashionable clothing and astounding tales of life in postwar New York, she turns the town on its ear with her glamorous presence. Intent on finding another husband, she moves into the already bustling household of her grandparents, joining Granny, insecure young Dodo, mentally challenged Ninna, her grandfather (when he isn't out on a fishing boat), and precocious 11 year-old Agga (Ugla Egilsdottir). Agga is suspicious of Freya from the moment she arrives but eventually her distrust gives way to fascination. When Freya has a passionate encounter with Bjorn, an engineer and one of the town's most eligible bachelors, Agga helps iron out the kinks in the burgeoning romance. The drama that unfolds becomes the talk of the town, and eventually carries all the women of Freya's extended family into unexpectedly dark territory. Stunning Icelandic locales give THE SEAGULL'S LAUGHTER a distinctly exotic sense of time and place. Vilhjamsdottir is a beguiling screen presence, and in Egilsdottir, she has a winning, appealing foil. Veering between quaint, small-town-style comedy--in which the quaintness of the locals is played for laughs--and dark, myth-influenced drama, Agust Guomundsson's unique and amusing film is a treat for the adventurous filmgoer.