"kin" is an audiovisual series by Swedish audiovisual project iamamiwhoami aka artist Jonna Lee in collaboration with music producer Claes Bj?rklund. it was released in episodes, as musical album and as a film in 2012. "kin" consists of 9 connected audiovisual chapters connected by its' narrative. It describes the project's creative process and making of the series itself, seen from the eyes of the artist Jonna Lee in relation to their following audience.
music: iamamiwhoami
directed by: Robin Kempe-Bergman
cinematography: John Strandh
production design: Agustin Moreaux
produced by: To whom it may concern.
executive producer: Jonna Lee
music: iamamiwhoami
directed by: Robin Kempe-Bergman
cinematography: John Strandh
production design: Agustin Moreaux
produced by: To whom it may concern.
executive producer: Jonna Lee