Fat Slags

Fat Slags




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播放:35 次


导演:Ed Bye

编剧:William Osborne (writer)

主演:Fiona Allen|Sophie Thompson|杰瑞·奥康奈尔


Having been madly in love with the Fats Slags since I was a young man, I was disappointed with this movie. How on earth can directors and producers continue to imagine that it can still be funny to take ordinary people and make them rich and successful, after Rosanne destroyed her career by doing exactly that with her working class show. This is without the incredibly clichéd notion that there is something inherently funny about working class people from the north of England. They talk in a funny way , they say funny things and they don't understand sophisticated ideas like art. What a loads of dated old rubbish. The charm of the fat slags was always that they are only concerned with satisfying their immediate needs whether food, sex or anything else and this is what makes them perfect women. They have a view of themselves which depends only on the reflection one slag provides for the other and they are completely indifferent to the feelings and sensibilities of anyone else. These are the Fat Slags as the ideal women they are, the characters in this film are a complete travesty. Still, they can't take away my dreams.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片