A romantic tale of relationship between a 50 year old French actor, long recognised in his country, and a young Azerbaijani actress taking her first steps in the art. The events take place in January 1990, when the Frenchman arrives in Baku to support Azerbaijan’s struggle for independence... and falls in love with an actress 20 years younger than him.
Cast: Ришар Мартен, Тимур Бадалбейли, Шукюфа Юсупова, Фатима Ибрагимбекова.
Directed by: Рустам Ибрагимбеков
Movie in Russian.
Cast: Ришар Мартен, Тимур Бадалбейли, Шукюфа Юсупова, Фатима Ибрагимбекова.
Directed by: Рустам Ибрагимбеков
Movie in Russian.