The main motive of the film is the“hissing sound“. In reference to the“hissing sound“, there are interesting
linguistic expressions (“sshh!“), whose meaning “silence!“ can be found in various languages:
“sch!”(German),“Sshh!”(English),“Chut!”(French),“?!”(Korean) and“しっ!”(Japanese).Here, both“hissing
sound“ and “silence“ play an important role in the film [ ∫ ]: one hears various sibilant sounds from nature: the
sound of water, wind and intakes of breath, as visual images merge into each other. At the end of the film,
there is a moment of quietness. In the midst of the quietness, one can hear nothing but one’s own breathing.
linguistic expressions (“sshh!“), whose meaning “silence!“ can be found in various languages:
“sch!”(German),“Sshh!”(English),“Chut!”(French),“?!”(Korean) and“しっ!”(Japanese).Here, both“hissing
sound“ and “silence“ play an important role in the film [ ∫ ]: one hears various sibilant sounds from nature: the
sound of water, wind and intakes of breath, as visual images merge into each other. At the end of the film,
there is a moment of quietness. In the midst of the quietness, one can hear nothing but one’s own breathing.