Un maledetto imbroglio also known as The Facts of Murder is a 1959 Italian crime film mystery directed by and starring Pietro Germi with Claudia Cardinale. The film is based on the novel Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana, by Carlo Emilio Gadda. The film was restored and re-released in 1999 both in Italy and the USA.
A disguised bandit steals valuable jewellery from Commendatore Anzaloni's apartment and flees, leaving Anzaloni unharmed. Inspector Ingravallo investigates and finds that the robbery is suspicious in that the robber was able to find valuables too quickly. A neighbour, Liliana Banducci, employs a servant girl, Assuntina. Her fiancé, Diomede, tries to escape when he sees police tailing Assuntina. But Diomede has an alibi. Liliana's cousin, Dr. Valdarena, pays her a visit, only to find her corpse on the floor. But before calling police, Valdarena removes an envelope addressed to him from the sideboard. Liliana's husband Remo was away from Rome at the time of the murder, but he is very surprised to hear that Liliana had changed her will only one week earlier.
A disguised bandit steals valuable jewellery from Commendatore Anzaloni's apartment and flees, leaving Anzaloni unharmed. Inspector Ingravallo investigates and finds that the robbery is suspicious in that the robber was able to find valuables too quickly. A neighbour, Liliana Banducci, employs a servant girl, Assuntina. Her fiancé, Diomede, tries to escape when he sees police tailing Assuntina. But Diomede has an alibi. Liliana's cousin, Dr. Valdarena, pays her a visit, only to find her corpse on the floor. But before calling police, Valdarena removes an envelope addressed to him from the sideboard. Liliana's husband Remo was away from Rome at the time of the murder, but he is very surprised to hear that Liliana had changed her will only one week earlier.
1999 restored version
3.5 啊 Germi真帅(原来片头的歌还是他自己写的) CC真美 (她用的配音我都没听出来,没救了)还是很好看的,罗马风情商业片,层次很丰富,但都59年了感觉要求可以高一点。主要是剧作布局虽然讲究但故事拼到一起变得没啥意义了,Gadda的原作设定在27年所以他可以任意流动性地分配人物身上令人不快的东西但电影作为一个50年代故事却不便于这么做。电影对小说的吸收真的非常用心,其实我觉得Germi有点被坑了如果干脆放手瞎编说不定更好看……因为演员都很棒啊。