Betrayed is the story of a town suffering from an outbreak of severe water contamination. The fictional town under attack stands in for communities next door and around the world. Inspired by events in communities in Canada and abroad, Betrayed examines an issue that is becoming increasingly important to the health and public safety of people everywhere: the regulation of food sources and drinking water. Written by Anonymous
The water supply in a small town on the Canadian prairies becomes contaminated by e-coli bacteria from cattle farms due to sloppy work by the public works manager. Local medical staff are puzzled and overwhelmed. There are attempts to cover up the problem. (Loosely based on events at Walkerton Ontario in 2000)
The water supply in a small town on the Canadian prairies becomes contaminated by e-coli bacteria from cattle farms due to sloppy work by the public works manager. Local medical staff are puzzled and overwhelmed. There are attempts to cover up the problem. (Loosely based on events at Walkerton Ontario in 2000)