PARAMEDIC is a short film directed by Keihiro Kanyama, whose debut feature film Seesaw screened at numerous international film festivals including Vienna International Film Festival and Hawaii International Film Festival. One night on duty, three paramedics rush to the hospital to discover YU, a pregnant woman who was rejected admittance and JUN, her angry boyfriend. As the paramedics try to provide proper care for the patient, the situation slowly goes out of control. The film features a veteran actor Kanji Tsuda playing the paramedic captain.
PARAMEDIC is a short film directed by Keihiro Kanyama, whose debut feature film Seesaw screened at numerous international film festivals including Vienna International Film Festival and Hawaii International Film Festival. One night on duty, three paramedics rush to the hospital to discover YU, a pregnant woman who was rejected admittance and JUN, her angry boyfriend. As the paramedics try to provide proper care for the patient, the situation slowly goes out of control. The film features a veteran actor Kanji Tsuda playing the paramedic captain.