导演:Lynne Sachs
导演:Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs拍电影,表演,玩装置,通过将诗歌、拼贴画、绘画、政治等元素结合起来探索个人观察与更广泛的历史经验之间复杂的关系。自1994年以来,她的5部Essay Film将她带到越南,波斯尼亚,以色列和德国,这些曾经受到战争影响的国家。在这些地方,她尝试将当地人的记忆同她个人的观点相结合进行电影创作。强调电影理论和实践的结合,Lynne也寻求画面和声音的完美呼应,在她的每一部作品中都力求视觉和听觉的和谐统一。自2006年以来,她已经和她的搭档Mark Street合作了一系列戏谑的,多媒体的表演,他们称之为‘XY 染色体项目’。除了忙于流动影像外,Lynne也和他人一起编辑了以‘记录片实验’为主题的《千禧电影期刊》。通过古根海姆博物馆,洛克菲勒和杰罗姆基金会和纽约州艺术委员会的支持,Lynne的电影已经在纽约电影节,圣丹斯电影节和多伦多的图像艺术节,以及在布宜诺斯艾利斯电影节的电影调查环节中上映。旧金山电影中心最近发表的四篇论文全面回顾了琳恩的工作。2012年,林恩在整个纽约市的小剧场演出一系列的“你的白天是我的黑夜”现场电影。然后,她在现代艺术博物馆,温哥华电影节,联合文件,新奥尔良电影节,并在墨西哥,阿根廷和厄瓜多尔等场地播放她筛选完成的长达一小时的完整视频。林恩在纽约大学和新学院讲授实验电影和录像,她住在布鲁克林区。
The House of Science: a museum of false facts
"Offering a new feminized film form, this piece explores both art and science's representation of women, combining home movies, personal remembrances, staged scenes and found footage into an intricate visual and aural college. A girl's sometimes difficult coming of age rituals are recast into a potent web for affirmation and growth."(SF Cinematheque) Charlotte Film Festival, First Prize Experimental; Atlanta Film Festival, Experimental Prize; Black Maria Film Fest, Juror's Award; Humboldt Film Festival, Teffen Filter Award; Museum of Modern Art, Cineprobe; Portland Museum of Art, "Icons, Rebels and Visionaries"; Athens Film Festival, Experimental Prize; Oberhausen Short Film Fest, Germany; Utah Film Festival, First Prize Short Film. Supported by a NEA Regional Arts Fellowship.
Director: Lynne Sachs
USA/1991/30min/Experimental film
Director: Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs makes films, performances, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany - sites affected by international war-where she tries to work in the space between a community's collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the Millennium Fil
导演:Lynne Sachs
导演:Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs拍电影,表演,玩装置,通过将诗歌、拼贴画、绘画、政治等元素结合起来探索个人观察与更广泛的历史经验之间复杂的关系。自1994年以来,她的5部Essay Film将她带到越南,波斯尼亚,以色列和德国,这些曾经受到战争影响的国家。在这些地方,她尝试将当地人的记忆同她个人的观点相结合进行电影创作。强调电影理论和实践的结合,Lynne也寻求画面和声音的完美呼应,在她的每一部作品中都力求视觉和听觉的和谐统一。自2006年以来,她已经和她的搭档Mark Street合作了一系列戏谑的,多媒体的表演,他们称之为‘XY 染色体项目’。除了忙于流动影像外,Lynne也和他人一起编辑了以‘记录片实验’为主题的《千禧电影期刊》。通过古根海姆博物馆,洛克菲勒和杰罗姆基金会和纽约州艺术委员会的支持,Lynne的电影已经在纽约电影节,圣丹斯电影节和多伦多的图像艺术节,以及在布宜诺斯艾利斯电影节的电影调查环节中上映。旧金山电影中心最近发表的四篇论文全面回顾了琳恩的工作。2012年,林恩在整个纽约市的小剧场演出一系列的“你的白天是我的黑夜”现场电影。然后,她在现代艺术博物馆,温哥华电影节,联合文件,新奥尔良电影节,并在墨西哥,阿根廷和厄瓜多尔等场地播放她筛选完成的长达一小时的完整视频。林恩在纽约大学和新学院讲授实验电影和录像,她住在布鲁克林区。
The House of Science: a museum of false facts
"Offering a new feminized film form, this piece explores both art and science's representation of women, combining home movies, personal remembrances, staged scenes and found footage into an intricate visual and aural college. A girl's sometimes difficult coming of age rituals are recast into a potent web for affirmation and growth."(SF Cinematheque) Charlotte Film Festival, First Prize Experimental; Atlanta Film Festival, Experimental Prize; Black Maria Film Fest, Juror's Award; Humboldt Film Festival, Teffen Filter Award; Museum of Modern Art, Cineprobe; Portland Museum of Art, "Icons, Rebels and Visionaries"; Athens Film Festival, Experimental Prize; Oberhausen Short Film Fest, Germany; Utah Film Festival, First Prize Short Film. Supported by a NEA Regional Arts Fellowship.
Director: Lynne Sachs
USA/1991/30min/Experimental film
Director: Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs makes films, performances, installations and web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her to Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany - sites affected by international war-where she tries to work in the space between a community's collective memory and her own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and every new project. Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they call The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image, Lynne co-edited the Millennium Fil
Excellent feminist work, collage of multi-sourced found footage and images, complex intertextuality.