Though James Williamson had already made at least 122 one-shot films since 1897 (mostly comedies such as Washing the Sweep or actualities like Early Fashions on Brighton Pier, both 1898, Attack on a China Mission - Bluejackets to the Rescue (1900) was a quantum leap forward in style, content, technique and ambition.
In The Beginnings of the Cinema in England, historian John Barnes claims it had "the most fully developed narrative of any film made in England up to that time". While most dramatic films of the era consisted of one or two shots and single-figure casts, Williamson's film had four shots (including a reverse angle cut, showing the entrance to the mission from two different perspectives) and at least two dozen performers.
It was based on the Boxer Rebellion of the early months of 1900, with the secret 'Boxer' society attempting to expel of foreigners in general and Christian missionaries in particular from their native China. Williamson was following in the footsteps of Georges Méliès, whose eleven-scene dramatised documentary L'Affaire Dreyfus (1899) was very influential on British film-makers, many of whom made similar dramatisations of the events of the ongoing Boer War. But Williamson's film comfortably outstripped them in scale and ambition.
Though the Warwick Trading Company had distributed moving images of China that same year, there was no actual footage of the Boxer Rebellion. In order to meet perceived public demand, Williamson made his film in Hove at a derelict house called Ivy Lodge (which would also be the main location for Fire!, 1901). He went to considerable lengths to ensure that his film appeared to be authentic, kitting out the house with a bilingual Anglo-Chinese 'Mission Station' sign and drawing on his background as a chemist in order to fake gunshots and explosions.
The full film ran 230 feet, or roughly four minutes at contemporary projection speeds. Just under half of this footage survives, though thankfully it includes material from all four shots. Despite some obvious trims (the initial forcing of the gate is missing, and the wife's appeal on the balcony to the sailors must surely have lasted more than one second), enough remains to give a good account of what the original audience must have seen.
The premiere was held on 17 November 1900 at Hove Town Hall, and was such a success that the audience (fruitlessly) demanded a repeat screening there and then.
In The Beginnings of the Cinema in England, historian John Barnes claims it had "the most fully developed narrative of any film made in England up to that time". While most dramatic films of the era consisted of one or two shots and single-figure casts, Williamson's film had four shots (including a reverse angle cut, showing the entrance to the mission from two different perspectives) and at least two dozen performers.
It was based on the Boxer Rebellion of the early months of 1900, with the secret 'Boxer' society attempting to expel of foreigners in general and Christian missionaries in particular from their native China. Williamson was following in the footsteps of Georges Méliès, whose eleven-scene dramatised documentary L'Affaire Dreyfus (1899) was very influential on British film-makers, many of whom made similar dramatisations of the events of the ongoing Boer War. But Williamson's film comfortably outstripped them in scale and ambition.
Though the Warwick Trading Company had distributed moving images of China that same year, there was no actual footage of the Boxer Rebellion. In order to meet perceived public demand, Williamson made his film in Hove at a derelict house called Ivy Lodge (which would also be the main location for Fire!, 1901). He went to considerable lengths to ensure that his film appeared to be authentic, kitting out the house with a bilingual Anglo-Chinese 'Mission Station' sign and drawing on his background as a chemist in order to fake gunshots and explosions.
The full film ran 230 feet, or roughly four minutes at contemporary projection speeds. Just under half of this footage survives, though thankfully it includes material from all four shots. Despite some obvious trims (the initial forcing of the gate is missing, and the wife's appeal on the balcony to the sailors must surely have lasted more than one second), enough remains to give a good account of what the original audience must have seen.
The premiere was held on 17 November 1900 at Hove Town Hall, and was such a success that the audience (fruitlessly) demanded a repeat screening there and then.
本片并非纪录片,而是属于某种为满足观众猎奇心理(片中的洋人扮演的“义和团”均留长辫子,穿裙子一样的装束)而拍摄的故事短片。 抛开其猎奇性质不谈,本片在拍摄英国军队攻打“义和团”时,就已经采用了类似于正反打的拍摄方式,但没有埃斯美?柯林斯那样自然,而是有些生硬(由于是一种拍摄自觉,在选择视点时,威廉逊或许并没有考虑过视点的问题),但已经可以看到勃列顿学派作品中的早期反打镜头的某种自觉了。 而在某种程度上,本片与同为1903年的《火车大劫案》在故事剧情上有着某些相似之处(罪犯对受害者实施犯罪,之后被警察所围剿),甚至可以是1903年是美国西部片的起点。