冬日故事 Encore un hiver

冬日故事 Encore un hiver




评分:7.9 分

播放:35 次




主演:让·巴尔内|Alice Reichen


Francoise Sagan (1935-2004) wrote her first novel Bonjour Tristesse (Hello, Sadness) at the age of 18, that was an immediate international success. During the following years she wrote several novels and plays, and became one of the icons of French literary life. This rare film is directed by Francoise Sagan and based on one of her plays. It's a love story, including 3 or 4 other love stories, set in a park a winter's day. The excellent prefromance of old woman is played by Alice Reichen.
  In 1979 her short film Another Winter wins the New York Film Festival. She serves as the president of the Cannes film festival jury that same year and complains in an interview that the jury was pressured to vote for Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now. In 1980 she begins seeing Jean Paul Satre regularily and continues to do so until his death. She compiles a collection of plays and memoirs over the next ten years. Her political convictions continue to appear as she joins Mitterand's support group and publishes yet another scathing editorial in Le Monde in 1985.


回复 举报

You are lucky to be waiting for someone you don't love.this winter has been very long, i don't even know if he is still alive.Why don't you love her. -It's just the way it goes.十幾二十歲的時候迷過一陣薩岡,今天無意中看到這個片子,果然明白了當年為何迷她。少女心不死啊。老人的愛,在那一刻竟勝過那一對年輕人,當裝扮得體優雅的婦人一步一步快樂欣喜地迎著自己所愛向前,那一刻如此浪漫,又如此心酸。

回复 举报

You are lucky to be waiting for someone you don't love.

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  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片