Dictator's Playbook They were ruthless men with unchecked power, controlling their people with an iron fist. Suppressing all dissent, they demanded absolute loyalty, jailing, or killing those who opposed them. They ruled by force of personality, but were plagued by secret fears and private demons. They were dictators - tyrants who shaped the twentieth century and left their mark on our own.
From Mussolini to Saddam Hussein, dictators have shaped the world we live in. What drove their thirst for domination and control? How did they seize and wield power? What forces rose up against them or resisted them in secret? How did they finally come to the bitter end?
Today, with authoritarian leaders on the rise from the Philippines to Venezuela, these questions are more relevant than ever. We'll answer them in six immersive hours, each a revealing portrait of brutality and power.
As we meet the most ruthless rulers of recent history, we'll trace their rise and fall - and discover that they traveled a well-worn path. As different as these men were from each other, all of them followed a series of essential steps, from seizing power to eliminating enemies - an unwritten Dictator's Playbook.
From Mussolini to Saddam Hussein, dictators have shaped the world we live in. What drove their thirst for domination and control? How did they seize and wield power? What forces rose up against them or resisted them in secret? How did they finally come to the bitter end?
Today, with authoritarian leaders on the rise from the Philippines to Venezuela, these questions are more relevant than ever. We'll answer them in six immersive hours, each a revealing portrait of brutality and power.
As we meet the most ruthless rulers of recent history, we'll trace their rise and fall - and discover that they traveled a well-worn path. As different as these men were from each other, all of them followed a series of essential steps, from seizing power to eliminating enemies - an unwritten Dictator's Playbook.
美式的强盗逻辑真是可怕。 光只看“金日成”一节:哪来的什么dictator,哪来的什么totalitarian,对于美国而言只有“顺我者昌逆我者亡”罢了。能够把日本自十九世纪末以来在亚洲的侵略称作“turmoil”,中日邦交正常化的时候日本人再不要脸尚且还不敢如此……可想而知逻辑有多混账——所谓“handbook”,就是孤立的把包括教育普及、土地改革、国防建设……在内的所有政治活动全部归结为筹备独裁,不惜篡改历史也要立场先行:苏联提前撤兵是金日成的算计、美国迫于半岛舆论撤兵就变成主动撤军、反对苏联驻军运动变成反共产主义运动……美国人不要脸起来真是令人发指——也是让人佩服出镜的“专家学者”言之凿凿、装腔作势。 论mind discipline,美国做第二谁敢做第一啊,我可去你妈的吧,恶心到家了。