Director Kamal Swaroop introduces this screening of his experimental documentary. The film is a lyrical journey through the iconic ghats, narrow lanes and forgotten spaces of the holy city of Varanasi, where Swaroop tries to find traces of film-maker DG Phalke's life. Known as the father of Indian cinema, Phalke shot his first film in 1913. His movies were successful, but later in life he found himself without backers. Becoming increasingly marginalised, impoverished and disillusioned with the world of cinema, Phalke went to live in Varanasi, where he returned to the theatre and wrote the semi-autobiographical play Rangbhoomi. Swaroop brings Phalke's story alive through the vibrant palette of sounds, sights and characters so typical of the holiest of the seven sacred cities to Hinduism and Jainism.