Directed by James Bluemel, the multi-award winning director of BBC Two’s Exodus series, this new five-part series will examine the extraordinary gamble taken by America and Britain when they invaded Iraq. It is a gamble which didn’t pay off, the tumultuous ramifications of which are still being felt across the Middle East and Europe today.
The Iraq War (w/t) will be told by those who were there, and will seek to challenge our view of what happened by throwing light on previously ignored perspectives and experiences. It will include voices of regular, working class Iraqi families watching as their country erupts into civil war; voices of American and British soldiers, struggling to comprehend their orders or understand their enemy; voices of Iraqis who took up arms against what they saw as foreign oppressors; voices of American families dealing with the grief of losing a son or a daughter in a war they didn’t understand; voices of the parents of a suicide bomber who have had to come to terms with such violent desperation.
This unique series will ask what happens when an invading force overthrows a dictator, and explore the far reaching human consequences on all those who were involved.
The Iraq War (w/t) will be told by those who were there, and will seek to challenge our view of what happened by throwing light on previously ignored perspectives and experiences. It will include voices of regular, working class Iraqi families watching as their country erupts into civil war; voices of American and British soldiers, struggling to comprehend their orders or understand their enemy; voices of Iraqis who took up arms against what they saw as foreign oppressors; voices of American families dealing with the grief of losing a son or a daughter in a war they didn’t understand; voices of the parents of a suicide bomber who have had to come to terms with such violent desperation.
This unique series will ask what happens when an invading force overthrows a dictator, and explore the far reaching human consequences on all those who were involved.