In the summer of 2006, an ambitious but unproven Bollywood director started filming Shootout at Lokhandwala, a movie based on an encounter between police and gangsters in Bombay in 1991. With a star-studded cast and a true-life story, the films release was highly anticipated. In the lead role, playing a famous vigilante cop, was superstar Sanjay Dutt. Unfortunately, Dutt was also involved in a massive terrorist trial that had been going on since 1993, and the case came to a head just as filming began. SHOT IN BOMBAY joins the filmmaking team on the last leg of shooting in January 2007, as they try to finish the film before their lead actor is sentenced.
This fast-paced, often surreal documentary weaves together three stories about Indias most complicated city: behind the scenes on the set of a star-studded gangster film helmed by director Apoorva Lakhia; a lesson in crime and punishment narrated by retired cop A. A. Khan (Bombays Dirty Harry); and a profile of one of Indias most beloved and troubled stars, heartthrob Sanjay Dutt. Lakhia needs a hit, as his last two films flopped. Khan needs to clear his name from accusations that the whole shootout was a setup masterminded by wanted terrorist Dawood Ibrahim. And Sanjay Dutt desperately wants his courtroom saga to be over and his name to be cleared. Its not an easy ride for any of them, and the film is a rollercoaster ride along the thin line that separates fact from fiction.
This fast-paced, often surreal documentary weaves together three stories about Indias most complicated city: behind the scenes on the set of a star-studded gangster film helmed by director Apoorva Lakhia; a lesson in crime and punishment narrated by retired cop A. A. Khan (Bombays Dirty Harry); and a profile of one of Indias most beloved and troubled stars, heartthrob Sanjay Dutt. Lakhia needs a hit, as his last two films flopped. Khan needs to clear his name from accusations that the whole shootout was a setup masterminded by wanted terrorist Dawood Ibrahim. And Sanjay Dutt desperately wants his courtroom saga to be over and his name to be cleared. Its not an easy ride for any of them, and the film is a rollercoaster ride along the thin line that separates fact from fiction.