Documentary presented by Rageh Omaar which reveals the lives, hopes and fears of the young generation of Tehran, the most intriguing, talked about but least understood city in the world today.
Omaar and director Paul Sapin spent a year arranging the permissions and contacts for the film, who include a renowned female photojournalist, a woman who is the CEO of an international transport company, the editor of a youth magazine, the staff at a drug rehab centre and a pop star.
Omaar and director Paul Sapin spent a year arranging the permissions and contacts for the film, who include a renowned female photojournalist, a woman who is the CEO of an international transport company, the editor of a youth magazine, the staff at a drug rehab centre and a pop star.
他說Iran is the only Shia regime, Syria不是也Shia。。。?// tunnel opening跟Ahmadinejad一起pray那裡挺好笑的。。。// 2/3 of the population is under the age of 30,跟之前看的一個片提到的SA的數據一樣,好年輕啊這些Islamic countries。。。//歌挺好聽的。。