This rare documentary is the stunning debut of then 21 year old documentarist Tetsuaki Matsue, a third-generation zainichi making a film about the discovery of his own identity that is filled with honesty and a sincere effort to create a dialogue between Korean and Japanese cultures. The starting point for the director was recognizing his roots. All his life, he had avoided facing the fact that he is of Korean descent. The image of Korea he had was bleak, mostly of compulsory military seizures by the Japanese or wartime "comfort women" issues as reported in the media. His Korean grandfather Yukichi Matsue, who came to Japan during the time of the war, had turned his back on his homeland and led an assimilated life as a Japanese. After the grandfather dies, calling his grandson "Dumb ass!" (Tetsuaki Bakayaro!), the filmmaker becomes determined to research his life traversing history through an autobiographical self-exploration of his family background both made of laughter and tears in a documentary which was made as a graduation project from the Japan Academy of the Moving Image. It won 2 prizes at the Yamagata International Documentary Festival in 1999 (New Asian Currents & NETPAC Award) and become a festival favorite. The title "Annyon" in Korean meaning both "hello" and "goodbye" gives it a somewhat ironic meaning in the film's context.
颇有几分趣味的纪录片特别是松江哲明和妹妹的对话,妹妹说的话总能让他无言以对XDD 。在日韩国人对自我ID的探求和验证。值得在意的是最后日本旗子究竟怎么掉下来的XDD(导演处女作,山田孝之的戛纳电影节居然也是他拍的,厉害了。