The horrific war in Chechnya, a neighbor of Georgia, gives a special poignancy to Otar Iosseliani’s fascinating, four-hour, made-for-television documentary on Georgia which, like his delightful Chasing Butterflies (SFIFF 1993), was produced in France. Iosseliani presents the history of this former Soviet republic through beautifully interwoven images of landscapes, artwork and clips from other Georgian filmmakers such as Nikoloz Shengalaya and Tenghiz Abuladze. He illuminates the part played recently by two politicians, both KGB men but with very different destinies: Zviad Gamsakhurdia, an ultranationalistic demagogue who died in exile; and Eduard Shevardnadze, who is the president of Georgia today. Iosseliani divides his film into three sections, “Prelude,” “Temptation” and “Trial,” which move from early Georgian history through the 1801 Russian takeover and on into 20th-century events—the Russian Revolution, perestroika and the recent civil war. Alone, Georgia gives a spellbinding evocation of this beautiful, hospitable land, whose torment is, according to Iosseliani, “a symptom of what takes place at this moment in our planet, and gives us a chance to measure the magnitude of the modern human tragedy.”
奥塔大爷一部片讲了格鲁吉亚史……分为三部,“Prelude”主要讲加入苏联之前, “Temptation”聚焦苏联时期,“L'e?preuve/ The ordeal”则重点讲格鲁吉亚独立的过程和阿布哈兹内战(很少见影片讲格鲁吉亚独立前后的事情!)。影片对文化和艺术有着相当不错的展示,很多材料是引自保存良好的老电影。“Temptation”段落里有一大段名导的采访,也是对格鲁吉亚电影史很有价值的探讨。“L'e?preuve”部分可能是最有价值的,有谢瓦尔德纳泽的采访,对格鲁吉亚独立前后重要时刻的梳理也非常细致。影片剪辑完成于1994年1月25日,彼时内战还在继续……伊奥赛里阿尼大概不会预料到阿布哈兹战争后来成了新世纪格鲁吉亚电影讲了一万遍的主题……