臺灣首部歷史傳記人物「動畫紀錄片」《總督府風暴 - 「臺灣第一反」蔣渭水》巧妙地結合動畫、歷史照、紀錄片、聲音劇場等多媒合素材,以創新的「動畫紀錄片」(Animated Documentary)形式重現日本殖民時代「臺灣人救主」蔣渭水的英雄史詩。影片採第一人稱旁白倒敘手法,以「臺灣第一反」蔣渭水觀點呈現1910年代至1930年代,臺灣「非武裝抗日運動」的濫觴、高潮、及瓦解,及蔣渭水對抗臺灣總督府波瀾壯闊的一生。
“My Life Against Taiwan Sotofuku – 1891~1931” is Taiwan’s first biographical animated documentary. The film combines animation, archival photos, footage, and sound theater to recreate the heroic epic of CHIANG Wei-shui, the “the Savior of Taiwanese People,” during Japan’s colonial rule of Taiwan. Through first-person flashback narrations, Taiwan’s pioneer revolutionary CHIANG Wei-shui tells the turbulent tale of the rise and fall of Taiwan’s non-violent anti-Japanese movements, as well as a lifetime of remarkable resistance against Taiwan Sotofuku (Japan’s colonial government).
“My Life Against Taiwan Sotofuku – 1891~1931” is Taiwan’s first biographical animated documentary. The film combines animation, archival photos, footage, and sound theater to recreate the heroic epic of CHIANG Wei-shui, the “the Savior of Taiwanese People,” during Japan’s colonial rule of Taiwan. Through first-person flashback narrations, Taiwan’s pioneer revolutionary CHIANG Wei-shui tells the turbulent tale of the rise and fall of Taiwan’s non-violent anti-Japanese movements, as well as a lifetime of remarkable resistance against Taiwan Sotofuku (Japan’s colonial government).