Earth teems with a staggering variety of animals, including 9,000 kinds of birds, 28,000 types of fish, and more than 350,000 species of beetles. What explains this explosion of living creatures—1.4 million different species discovered so far, with perhaps another 50 million to go? The source of life's endless forms was a profound mystery until Charles Darwin brought forth his revolutionary idea of natural selection. But Darwin's radical insights raised as many questions as they answered. What actually drives evolution and turns one species into another? To what degree do different animals rely on the same genetic toolkit? And how did we evolve?
"What Darwin Never Knew" offers answers to riddles that Darwin couldn't explain. Breakthroughs in a brand-new science—nicknamed "evo devo"—are linking the enigmas of evolution to another of nature's great mysteries, the development of the embryo. NOVA takes viewers on a journey from the Galapagos Islands to the Arctic, and from the explosion of animal forms half a billion years ago to the research labs of today. Scientists are finally beginning to crack nature's biggest secrets at the genetic level. The results are confirming the brilliance of Darwin's insights while revealing clues to life's breathtaking diversity in ways the great naturalist could scarcely have imagined.
"What Darwin Never Knew" offers answers to riddles that Darwin couldn't explain. Breakthroughs in a brand-new science—nicknamed "evo devo"—are linking the enigmas of evolution to another of nature's great mysteries, the development of the embryo. NOVA takes viewers on a journey from the Galapagos Islands to the Arctic, and from the explosion of animal forms half a billion years ago to the research labs of today. Scientists are finally beginning to crack nature's biggest secrets at the genetic level. The results are confirming the brilliance of Darwin's insights while revealing clues to life's breathtaking diversity in ways the great naturalist could scarcely have imagined.
7分吧。前半部分讲用进废退,后面讲DNA switch,结合的示例是鱼上大陆,人类的拇指和脑(咀嚼肌退化)。基因开关这个估计很多人都没听说过,很值得科普。无字幕PBS-NOVA-2009-What Darwin Never Knew-720p。关于进化导致人类无法避免的bug,知乎上有篇高赞值得看看
其中很牛逼的一句话:“Scientists now realize that not all genes are created equal.” —— 哈哈哈哈!!(不过不要误解,说的是生物体自身基因相互之间的从属关系,可不是你的基因和我的基因之间的从属关系,XD)
人类诞生于咬肌的肌球蛋白的基因突变,因为没有强大的咀嚼肌而使得颅骨可以继续长大,从而拥有更大更发达的大脑……所以结论是,小脸尖下巴才是进化完全的人类嘛(⊙_⊙)? http://t.cn/zj4DkZC