




评分:8.4 分

播放:855 次






影片概述 . . . . . .
  Twenty plus classmates look back into the past, tracing back through a 30 year history. One after another adapts to the random events that come to shape their lives, to the four seasons of life and nature. These descendants of mine workers graduated in 1978 from Tongchuan Coal Mine Middle School in Sha’anxi. The years they were about experience coincided with the reforms and opening up of China. Floating in the changes of the new era, some experience compromises and the loss of ideals, whilst some keep struggling ahead with great determination. Thirty years later, Lin Xin encounters his old classmates, and records their individual lives and history; the ease of monotony, the loneliness of success, the weariness of a life of plentiful, the helplessness of poverty… all come forth in the lives of these group of people, becoming an epitome of the lives of ordinary people in small to middle-sized cities in this era, and at the same time reflecting on a generation that advances forward undefeated.
  导演阐述 . . . . . .
  As as a 1978 grade student at the Sanlitong Coal Mine Middle School of Tongchuan, I struggled between the twofold consuming conflict of making a living and artistic creativity. Most of my old classmates still live in that same city, each living their spells of good and bad fortune and their different destinies. The imprints of the era congeal into individual trajectories, and the vicissitudes of life come to put a veil on their once young faces… I once again come to meet with each of them. My expectations are constantly rectified by reality during the filming, many things exceeding my imagination. I come to accept the manipulation of fate. Whether fortuitously or inevitably, I’ve come to meet them again and record their life experiences and their situations, perceiving through this the frailty and tenaciousness of life. Their happiness and sorrows, hopes and despair, all continually deepen my understanding of life, as well as my knowledge of this generation.
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一声叹息吧 生而为人 能做多少呢 好好学习 努力奋斗 只有你回头看看来时路才知这八个字不是一句简单的口号 而是人生箴言 另外呢 就是别浪费年轻的光阴 珍惜与亲人的时光 让自己开心起来 万一以后有了小孩 好好对他 不把自己身上的负担给他 让他快乐 让他拥有自己不曾拥有的东西 学会换位思考 将心比心 这个世界上大多数人的生活一样枯燥无趣 这不是绝望的理由

回复 举报

这种纪录片太珍贵了 前天我还与一个学弟谈话 在他的言辞里透露着中国本位的一点自信与一丝傲慢 我想这种话语编码的背后是整个中国实力在背书 我们是时代红利的受益者 这么看也无可厚非 但在这之前 到底有多少人被生吞活剥了呢 主流电影不能拍 所以愈显得这部片的珍贵

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  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片