Set to the words of Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot is an animation that situates human history against the tapestry of the cosmos. Using an eclectic combination of art styles woven seamlessly together through music and visuals, the animation seeks to remind us that regardless of our differences, we are one species living together on the planet we call Earth.
Chin Li Zhi is a multimedia creative who believes that what we see influences us more than anything else. His work spans topics and medium, often bringing eclectic styles and techniques together for greater visual impact. Pale Blue Dot was produced at NTU ADM in collaboration with Studiengang Musikdesign, and screened at 22 film festivals worldwide since 2015.
Chin Li Zhi is a multimedia creative who believes that what we see influences us more than anything else. His work spans topics and medium, often bringing eclectic styles and techniques together for greater visual impact. Pale Blue Dot was produced at NTU ADM in collaboration with Studiengang Musikdesign, and screened at 22 film festivals worldwide since 2015.